The Pulse January | Idaho Falls Community Hospital Skip to the content

Idaho Falls Community Hospital

2327 Coronado St, Idaho Falls, ID 83404


Emergency Department


If you are experiencing a medical emergency, call 911 or visit our emergency department immediately.

Welcome to The Pulse

In Idaho Falls Community Hospital's employee newsletter, we'll share company-wide news, including upcoming events, birthdays, spotlights, department news, and more. This newsletter is designed to be informative and collaborative. If you have a fun story, positive patient feedback, or great work picture Use the form on this page to submit!

Quote of the Month

"You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream."

C.S. Lewis

We're Hiring!

Referral Opportunities

We have a lot of job openings at the hospitals and across our affiliate clinics. If you know of anyone looking for a new opportunity, point them to our job page to browse through our current opportunities. You may even be eligible for a referral bonus!

Welcome Our Newest Employees

Join us in welcoming our newest team members! Each one brings fresh energy and ideas to Idaho Falls Community Hospital. We’re thrilled to have them on board and can’t wait to see the positive impact they will make!

Common Holiday & Seasonal Accidents

As we dive into the holidays and winter season, let's keep safety at the forefront of our celebrations. Here are the 4 most common Christmas injuries we see in our emergency department:

Kitchen Mishaps

Cuts, burns, and slips are on the rise with holiday baking.

Decoration Disasters

You’d be surprised how often people fall while hanging up lights and decorations.

Fire Hazards

Christmas trees, candles, and decorative lights can pose fire risks if not used carefully.

Travel Accidents

Be extra careful with holiday travel to avoid getting in a wreck.

Remember, Idaho Falls Community is here for you when you need emergency care. Stay safe and have a wonderful holiday season!

Follow Us!

Follow us on Facebook & LinkedIn to stay up to date on the latest hospital news and what our team has been up to!


Wish these folks a happy birthday this month as you pass them in the halls!

01/01 MICHAEL SUCIU Emergency Department (ED)
01/02 WESLEY ELLIOTT Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
01/04 BARBARA GRANDE Nutritional Services
01/05 BAILEY VICTOR Imaging
01/06 RALUCA CHACE Medical Surgical Services
01/06 SAVANNAH PADILLA Medical Surgical Services
01/08 ROLANDO ALTAMIRANO Medical Surgical Services
01/09 YEZENIA RESENDIZ-GOMEZ Medical Surgical Services
01/12 TIFFANY MITCHELL Emergency Department (ED)
01/13 WHITNEY CHRISTENSEN Medical Surgical Services
01/13 BRITTANY BOWMAN Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
01/13 ZACHARY SMITH Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
01/14 HEIDI ROMRIELL Respiratory Therapy
01/14 AMELIA RAMOS Cath Lab
01/15 SHANIA JACKSON Emergency Department (ED)
01/17 RACQUELLE ROSENBERG Emergency Department (ED)
01/18 BRANDON MOODY Imaging
01/18 JONATHAN CONNELLY Emergency Department (ED)
01/19 KARL KATTERMAN Intermediate Medical Care
01/20 PIPER ELKINGTON Medical Surgical Services
01/21 MACIE ANDERSON Surgery
01/21 SUZIE SAMPLE Medical Surgical Services
01/26 KARINA SANCHEZ Nutritional Services
01/27 ERYN MARTINDALE Medical Surgical Services
01/27 LINDSAY CHATHAM Pediatric Inpatient Services
01/28 SCOTT HAVARD Surgery
01/29 BENJAMIN GARCIA Security
01/30 KRISTINA STICKLEY Nutritional Services
01/30 JUSTIN LUCERO Medical Surgical Services
01/30 ASHLEY ALVARADO Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
01/30 KALLY RICCI Emergency Department (ED)
01/31 CHELSEA SEARLE Nutritional Services
01/31 SARA ZOLLINGER Nursing Float Pool
01/31 JONATHAN ODLE Emergency Department (ED)
01/31 TAYLOR MUNOZ Emergency Department (ED)

The Pulse Submission Form

When should this submission be announced by?
Enter your article, quote, text, or any relevant information here.
Attach any photos, articles, and other media you have for your submission.

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