The Pulse February | Idaho Falls Community Hospital Skip to the content

Idaho Falls Community Hospital

2327 Coronado St, Idaho Falls, ID 83404


Emergency Department


If you are experiencing a medical emergency, call 911 or visit our emergency department immediately.

Welcome to The Pulse

In Idaho Falls Community Hospital's employee newsletter, we'll share company-wide news, including upcoming events, birthdays, spotlights, department news, and more. This newsletter is designed to be informative and collaborative. If you have a fun story, positive patient feedback, or great work picture Use the form on this page to submit!

Quote of the Month

"Once you face your fear, nothing is ever as hard as you think."

Olivia Newton-John

We're Hiring!

Referral Opportunities

We have a lot of job openings at the hospitals and across our affiliate clinics. If you know of anyone looking for a new opportunity, point them to our job page to browse through our current opportunities. You may even be eligible for a referral bonus!

IFCH and MVH Employee Wellness Challenge 2024

The new year is upon us and with this comes some great opportunities for setting goals and making healthy changes. Here at IFCH and MVH, we want to help you achieve your health goals with an overall approach to wellness through creating healthy habits. Over the next 4 weeks, we are offering a free employee wellness challenge that focuses on increasing fruit and veggie intake, cutting down on sweets and soda intake, getting outside more, drinking more water, getting adequate sleep and increasing exercise. This challenge is a point based system for completing each of the following below. Each week on Monday morning there will be a drawing for prizes.

To get your name entered into the random prize drawing each week, you must achieve at least 400 points that week and email the IFCH Outpatient Dietitian Kristi Stickley at krstickley@ifcommunity hospital by the following Monday morning by 7am with how many points you earned for the week. There will be a grand prize drawing at the end of the challenge for everyone who earned at least 400 points for all 4 weeks, so it pays off to be consistent! Wellness challenge starts Monday January 1st and goes through Sunday January 28th. Reach out to the Outpatient Dietitian Kristi with any questions.

Wellness Challenge Points 

  • Eat 5 servings of fruits/veggies: 10 points daily
    • Fruits and veggies are major sources of several nutrients that are strongly linked to good health. Fill up on whole food choices to reduce the risk of chronic illnesses.
  • Get outside for at least 15 minutes: 10 points daily
    • To promote mental health and decrease stress.
  • Sleep 7 hours: 10 points daily
    • If you go to bed at the appropriate time but can’t fall asleep, still count it. Also, feel free to add naps in if you are short on the allotted time.
  • Drink 64 ounces of water: 10 points daily
    • Water is vital for your health. It is necessary for temperature regulation, digestion, nutrient absorption, and body waste removal.
  • Exercise for 150 minutes/week: 20 points/every 30 minutes completed (100 points max/week)
    • The CDC recommends adults get at least 150 minutes/week of exercise. This can be broken up into smaller chunks such as 30 minutes, 5 days/week or into longer times such as 60 minutes a few times each week. Physical activity may look different for everyone based on ability, but some examples include yoga, walking, CrossFit, weightlifting, bike rides, running, fitness classes, swimming, etc. Whatever you choose, focus on moving more and being intentional.
  • One sweet per week: 60 points
    • For every additional sweet, subtract 20 points. Yes, you can go in the negative with this. (Example: Ate 2 treats=40 points, 3 treats=20 points, 4 treats= 0 points, 5 treats= -20 points, etc)
  • One soda per week: 60 points
    • For every additional soda subtract 20 points (energy drinks count in this too). Yes, you can go in the negative with this.

(Example: Drank 2 sodas=40 points, drank 3 sodas=20 points, Drank 3 sodas=0 points, Drank 4 sodas= -20 points, etc)

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Wish these folks a happy birthday this month as you pass them in the halls!

02/01 WYATT SOMMER Imaging
02/01 ABIGAIL BRIGGS Emergency Department (ED)
02/03 MORIAH GUY Intermediate Medical Care
02/04 JEREMY THURGOOD Respiratory Therapy
02/04 MILA RUNDLE Nutritional Services
02/04 KEVIN BUSH Intermediate Medical Care
02/04 JADIE ANDRUS Emergency Department (ED)
02/04 DESTINE BANTA Emergency Department (ED)
02/05 MADISON SMOLEY Medical Surgical Services
02/05 JEREMIAH BROCK Emergency Department (ED)
02/06 VALLIE HARRIS Imaging
02/06 ALICIA HOWLETT Nutritional Services
02/06 MOLLY REED Surgery
02/07 TIFFANY MENDOZA Medical Surgical Services
02/08 DEBRA PICKETT Nutritional Services
02/08 MORGAN COTTLE Surgery
02/09 ROBERT CANNIZZARO Nutritional Services
02/09 JOSE LABRA-TREJO Medical Surgical Services
02/09 TY OLNEY Pediatric Inpatient Services
02/09 MICHAEL KALLSEN Emergency Department (ED)
02/10 KORTNEY GEE Imaging
02/10 JAMES THOMPSON Emergency Department (ED)
02/12 SARAH MORRIS Nutritional Services
02/12 ANITA YANEZ Emergency Department (ED)
02/12 BROOKLYN STEWART Emergency Department (ED)
02/13 JEFFREY GOLDMAN Respiratory Therapy
02/16 EMILY HERBERT Nursing Float Pool
02/18 SHELBY WISER Pediatric Inpatient Services
02/18 MARIAN WALKER Administration
02/19 SHYANNE SKALSKI Medical Surgical Services
02/19 KELSEY HANSEN Medical Surgical Services
02/19 CHAD CAMPBELL Security
02/20 MARIA RODRIGUEZ Nutritional Services
02/20 NICK CONTRERAS Security
02/21 NICHOLAS MORY Surgery
02/21 ROBERT HAYES Administration
02/22 JAMI ATKINSON Nutritional Services
02/22 RANDY FLEGEL Security
02/24 ROBIN MARKHAM Cath Lab
02/25 BRECCA SKINNER Nutritional Services
02/25 ZACHARY WINTERMYER Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
02/25 TERESA BENTO Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
02/25 HAILEY ABBOTT Emergency Department (ED)
02/27 ZACHARY BOND Medical Surgical Services
02/27 ALEX THOMPSON Intermediate Medical Care

The Pulse Submission Form

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Attach any photos, articles, and other media you have for your submission.

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