The Pulse November | Idaho Falls Community Hospital Skip to the content

Idaho Falls Community Hospital

2327 Coronado St, Idaho Falls, ID 83404


Emergency Department


If you are experiencing a medical emergency, call 911 or visit our emergency department immediately.

Welcome to The Pulse

In Idaho Falls Community Hospital's employee newsletter, we'll share company-wide news, including upcoming events, birthdays, spotlights, department news, and more. This newsletter is designed to be informative and collaborative. If you have a fun story, positive patient feedback, or great work picture Use the form on this page to submit!

2024 Benefits Open Enrollment

Just a few reminders

The benefits below require annual enrollment (they do not automatically enroll/rollover):

*Flex Medical Account
*Flex Dependent Care
*Health Savings Account

  • Single $4,150
  • Employee +1 (Family) $8,300
  • 55+ Cath up Contribution allowable: $1,000

You are required to review your benefit plans and the dependents you wish to include.

**As you update your benefits and information during open enrollment, we ask that you please
include all your dependents in Paycom, even if they are not on your insurance. This will help
with future events, such as company picnics, etc.

Quote of the Month

"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning."

Albert Einstein

Referral Opportunties

We're Hiring!

We have a lot of job openings at the hospitals and across our affiliate clinics. If you know of anyone looking for a new opportunity, point them to our job page to browse through our current opportunities. You may even be eligible for a referral bonus!

Corporate Night—Al's Sporting Goods


Don't Fall for Diet Trends

You can block out the diet noise, enjoy your favorite party foods,
and still lose weight—at no cost to you.

See how Mountain View is helping to build lasting weight loss habits today.

Follow Us!

Follow us on Facebook & LinkedIn to stay up to date on the latest hospital news and what our team has been up to!


Wish these folks a happy birthday this month as you pass them in the halls!

11/02 KIMBERLY BRYAN Surgery
11/02 SAMANTHA DICKSON Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
11/03 AMBER ESTRADA Nutritional Services
11/03 MADELYN SILVERIA Intermediate Medical Care
11/04 JAMES BRITTAIN Medical Surgical Services
11/04 WILLIAM BRANDON Emergency Department (ED)
11/06 TAILOR GERDES Medical Surgical Services
11/06 ADAM KING Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
11/07 GREG MOORE Surgery
11/07 JOEY MARTIN Security
11/08 CIARRA BENNETT Imaging
11/09 TAYLOR OLIVE Medical Surgical Services
11/14 DYNA SELVA Respiratory Therapy
11/14 HADLEY RUMSEY Imaging
11/14 HAZEL POLATIS Surgery
11/15 KENNETH THOMSON Respiratory Therapy
11/15 JULIE DUCHARME Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
11/18 JEFFREY ELLIS Nursing Float Pool
11/20 RACHEL REEVES Medical Surgical Services
11/23 SARAH SILCOCK Surgery
11/25 ERNIE WEBB Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
11/25 TAMMI FARMER Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
11/26 HUNTER DRAKE Emergency Department (ED)
11/28 SUZY NELSEN Surgery
11/29 TREVOR DAW Surgery
11/29 MAYRA MORENO Medical Surgical Services
11/29 MICHAEL CONNERS Administration
11/30 MANDI STORER Emergency Department (ED)

The Pulse Submission Form

When should this submission be announced by?
Enter your article, quote, text, or any relevant information here.
Attach any photos, articles, and other media you have for your submission.

Recent Newsletters

The Pulse March

The Pulse July

The Pulse June

The Pulse May

The Pulse April